Tazewell County Flood Resilience Plan

We Want Your Feedback

The Tazewell County Flood Resilience Plan was established as a result of a Virginia-wide initiative to provide support for regions and localities to reduce the impacts of flooding, including flooding driven by extreme weather. Throughout this website there are various sections of the Tazewell Plan that aim to serve as a resilience plan for Tazewell County, specifically regarding flood resilience and flood risk reduction.

You can leave your comments in the Public Feedback Form below before Aug 15th, 2023

Typically, communities that participate in resilience planning are described as having the potential to produce long-term and recurring benefits by breaking the repetitive cycle of disaster loss. A core assumption of resilience planning is that the investments made before a hazard event will significantly reduce the demand for post-disaster assistance by lessening the need for emergency response, repair, recovery, and reconstruction. Furthermore, resilience practices will enable residents, businesses, and industries to re-establish themselves in the wake of a disaster.

Summary of Plan Contents

Sections available in the menu bar above
flood awareness

This plan is designed to be as reader-friendly and functional as possible. It is divided into seven sections:

The Introduction
  • Section 1, introduces the plan, its contents, and guiding principles.
  • Section 2, details goals that are intended to serve as plan outcomes.
The Planning Process
  • Section 3, describes the process used to prepare the plan and identifies members of the Planning Team and how the public and other stakeholders were involved.
Existing Conditions
  • Section 4, provides a general overview of Tazewell County, including geographic, demographic, environmental, and economic characteristics.
The Capability Assessment
  • Section 5, serves to identify, analyze, and assess flood hazards that threaten Tazewell County, including natural and man-made contributors to flooding within the county
The Risk Assessment
  • Section 6, serves to identify, analyze, and assess flood hazards that threaten Tazewell County, including natural and man-made contributors to flooding within the county
The Action Plan

Section 7, identifies strategic actions that Tazewell County can implement to reduce flood risk.

We thank you for taking the time and effort to review this plan. Your feedback will be an important contribution in making this plan the best it can be.

Please leave your comments in the Public Feedback Form below BEFORE Aug 15th, 2023. Thank you.

Public Feedback Form

Project Goals

  • Understand flood risk and identification of projects for flood preparedness, control, and resilience
  • Incorporate green, grey, and blue projects with an emphasis on nature-based solutions
  • Integrate the whole community, regardless of socioeconomics or race
  • Coordinate with existing and planned relevant projects, plans, activities
  • Leverage best available science and incorporation of current and future flood data
  • Develop a plan that provides a pathway to uninterrupted primary public roadway access, increased public safety, and less flooding

Public Meeting Agenda:

  • Review of Project Understanding and Goals
  • Review of Project Scope
  • Review of Schedule
  • Communication Preferences
  • Discussion of Current Conditions/Priority Projects

Meeting Outcomes:

  • Understanding of Scope and Schedule
  • Flood Resilience Planning Team members
  • Kickoff meeting date
  • Communication Preferences